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Dust extraction and collection form a very important part of Industrial Air Pollution Control. Modern industrial practice demands an environment that is safe and hygienic for all mankind. As a country develops its infrastructure,its technical resources expand bringing both benefits and commitments to its industries. Responsible engineers and government must ensure that proper consideration and effective action is taken to protect the atmosphere from industrial pollution. Because of all the above facts, Dust Extraction and Collection play a very important role in any type of industry whether it is a huge Steel plant, a Coal handling plant, a Cement plant, a medium scale industry or for that matter, even a very small scale factory.

Air cleaning devices remove contaminants from an air or gas stream. They are available in a wide range of designs to meet  variation in air cleaning requirements. Degree of removal required, quantity and characteristics of the contaminant to be removed and conditions of the  air or gas stream will all have a bearing on the  device  selected for any given application. Air cleaning devices are divided into two basic groups : AIR FILTERS  and DUST COLLECTORS. Air filters  are designed to remove dust concentrations of the order found in outside air and are employed in ventilation , air conditioning and heating  systems where dust loading is just nominal. Dust collectors are usually designed for the much heavier loads from industrial processes where the air or gas to be cleaned originates in local exhaust systems or process stacks  gas effluents. Loadings will vary from 5 to 10gm/m³ and onwards. Therefore, concentrations in dust collectors are some 100 to 20,000 times greater  than that for which air filters are designed. Degree of collection required can depend on plant location;  comparison of quantities of material released to atmosphere with different types of collection; nature of contaminant – its salvage value or its potential as a health hazard, public nuisance or ability  to damage property – and the requirements of the local  or state air  pollution regulations. One safe recommendation in equipment selection can be summed up as : select the collector  that will allow the  least possible amount of contaminant to escape  and still be reasonable in first cost and maintenance as well as meet all prevailing air pollution regulations. For some applications, even the question of reasonable cost and maintenance must be sacrificed to meet established standards for air pollution control or to prevent damage to health or property.

Dust extraction systems have six basic components:

  • Dust extraction systems have six basic components:
  • 1. The hood or the entry point of the system.
  • 2. The ducting system which conveys or transports the captured dust.
  • 3. The air cleaning device, which removes contaminants from the dirty air stream.
  • 4. The air moving device provides the necessary suction for capturing and transporting the dust to the air cleaning device.
  • 5. The dust disposal i.e. the disposal of the dust which has been effectively captured & collected.
  • 6. The Stack